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I’ ve been using Blender for motion design creation in braziliam TV series. The first one was released in 2017, a second one this year, and two other ones are about to be released in the second semester.

The series "Minha Rua", for the Futura channel; "Sob Traçantes", for Futura Play; are two TV series that have already aired and have Blender in part of its production. Two more series are being produced for the launch this year: "Futuro em movimento" and "Quem mandou me convidar?"

In the "Minha Rua" series, I used Blender for Opening, Final Credits, and for motion traking in order to hide marks and signals in the street filming.
[images are attached]

The series can be watched in Futura Play: http: //

In the "Sob Traçantes" series I used Blender for the creation of the opening, final credits, and all "lower thirds".
[images are attached]]

You can watch the series on Futura Play:

In the series "Minha Rua" and "Sob Traçantes" I worked from concept to motion; and in the next series to be launched, credits in the concept design are to Camila Campos, for the series "Futuro em Movimento", and the concept design  and illustrations to "Paulo Mariotti" for the series "Quem mandou me convidar". In these next releases I am working on the opening, Final credits and lower thirds. Unfortunately, I can not reveal images until the series are published at the channels.

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