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January 1, 2019 10:00 PM

by Editor in Chief

Among so many amazing renders realized in Blender in 2018 and featured as winners of the Render of the Week Awards, it might be disputable to pick just some among them. 

There were certainly many more that should have been featured again as winners of the Render of the Year Awards 2018. As you read the about the select few winners,  

please be mindful that other candidates for this award weren't necessarily a lesser artist than this year's final winners. Their works, however, are good reminders 

of what Blender can do for top notch studios and freelancers.

1. Best Blender Render

Seahorse in Corals

by Nika Maisuradze


Are you sure this is a CG render--and a Blender render--not a photo? Check out the following link.

2. Best Concept Art: 

Hydrophonics Module

by Mateusz Wielgus


Convincing concept arts often come from the artist's specialized knowledge in some trade. It's no coincidence the artist behind the above work had been an architect. 

3. Best Industrial Render: 

Volvo C40 T8-Hybrid

by Roman Volkov


Jonathan's experience with Blender is an excellent example showing how industrial designers can benefit from using Blender.

There were other more stunning industrial renders produced by artists more experienced with Blender such as:

Jonathan's work was chosen to show how "easily," industrial designers can adapt to using Blender.

4. Best Food Render

Cherry Pie

by Clayton Sjoerdsma


Not many food renders have been submitted this year again, but still impressive!


5. Best Character Modeling

Self Portrait

by Alexander Wilding


Not many artists have attempted modeling a convincing human from scratch. Alexander's work, however, demonstrates Blender's capabilities.

6. Best Architectural Render

Hotel LEYLA Visualization

by Jan Holinka


Making of

Real-time arch-viz, utilizing game engines, is a hot issue for arch-viz artists. Evee--Blender 2.8's new real-time render engine--is already being noted for such uses. 
However, no other game engines or 3D packages are capable of this! With built-in capabilities such as camera tracking and compositing, Blender is the only single tool
 capable of realizing arch-viz projects such as above.

7. Best VFX Render

Dynamo Episode 6

by Ian Hubert


Ian Hubert is also the director of Tears of Steel

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